Nicolas d'Estienne d'Orves was born in 1974. A contributor to Le Figaro for twenty-three years, he has also written for Classica, Les Echos, Madame Figaro, Le Figaro magazine, Le Figaroscope... He is an opera critic for Transfuge and a literary columnist for Lire. Author of some thirty books, he has published novels (Othon, Roger Nimier prize 2002; Les Fidélités successives, Cazes prize 2012), short stories (Narcisse et moi), biographies (Jacques Offenbach, Marthe Richard), essays (Dictionnaire amoureux de Paris, Petit éloge de la gourmandise). Dictionnaire amoureux du mauvais gout (Plon) and a biography of Arletty (Calmann-Lévy) will be published in 2023.
Language spoken: French
Photo credit: Marlene Delcambre