Marguerite started her first drama class in middle school and couldn’t stop ever since! After a few years in a drama school, she joined the company La Tête dans les nuages as an actress at 17, for the creation of Ondine by Jean Giraudoux. She carried on creations with the company alongside her English studies at the Aix-Marseille University and at the University of Liverpool. She also trained in various artistic domains, thanks to training courses on mask, danse, singing and clown technics. And in July 2009, with the show Paroles d’étoiles (Words of Yellow Stars) the troupe of 11 young actors participated for the first time in the international Festival Off d’Avignon. In 2012, she also followed a training in marionette making and manipulation with the Compagnie du Funambule in Marseille which still developed her manual and poetical creativity. Once her Master’s degree in Literary Translation earned, she joined the Conservatoire of Aix-en-Provence where she followed the courses of Isabelle Lusignan. There, she will meet Jeanne Rousselle, Maxime Bonnand and Hélène Lascombes, the classmates with whom the idea of the company La Famille du 5ème will emerge. She obtained her degree in dramatic arts in 3 years with the staging and acting of La Violence des Potiches by Marie Nimer, a performance that will stay in the very first creations of La Famille du 5ème. Today, she is also interested in the technical work around the voice, such as singing and voice over.
Languages spoken: French and English
Photo credit: Nicolas Fromont