Catherine Farin began her career in publishing in 2004, first in the foreign rights department of general literature houses then as a literary scout for foreign publishing groups.
In 2015 she joined the public investment bank, Bpifrance to manage a pool of independent directors from startups, SMEs, mid-sized and large companies.
She created synergies between the publishing world and business via literary meetings that she organised within companies in 2018.
In 2020, she founded an agency in her own name which brings together all these skills to which she adds literary agent. She advises and supports novelists at every stage of their literary life, from writing a novel to promoting it, and is committed for the long-term. The agency specialises in literature.
In 2023, she and Denis Lafay, director of the ideas department of the La Tribune journal, launched the La Tribune Literary Prize, of which she is general secretary.
Language spoken: French
Photo credit: ARR